Start your mission over?

Status: Untouchable Legend

Despite there being little to no content for this cookie, they remain one of my favorite guys of all time. Ever since they were first released in Cookie Wars, I had been obsessed with them since. They were the only cookie to ever be cured from the jellywalker virus (the cookie equivalent of a zombie virus). But this cure wasn't without it's cons. Energy Drink was left without any memories of the past. They also appear to be blind in one eye, and seems to struggle to breathe. They also have to have their bear jelly tank at all times. But this is all the information we were ever given on Energy Drink Cookie. They never showed up in any cutscenes and their loading screens didn't give any more information. Still, there was plenty for me to go off of. With such a special character, though, I was sure that there would be information. But that never came. Instead, much to my horror, the game became defunct and the game shut down without ever mentioning Energy Drink Cookie in another game. Or, that's what I thought would happen.

From the game's shut down and ownward, DEVSISTERS has taunted me with glances of Energy Drink Cookie. The first is my fault for being presumptious. Before Melon Bread Cookie was fully revealed, I mistook her darkened silhouette for a redesign of Energy Drink. They both have curly hair, and I thought one of her tools was Energy Drink's gun. Later, in Cookie Run:Kingdom, there was leaks of a Cookie Wars/Jellywalker themed decoration set. We were shown cookie houses covered in the purple jellywalker virus. However, these never actually made it into the game. Later again, Custard Cookie the III mentions having a dream about purple jelly zombies. This is obviously another tease about the defunct game. But the cookies around him insist that the dream is silly, and also just a mere dream. Later still, Energy Drink is put directly into the game. Oho, but not as a playable character. That would allow my soul to rest easily. Instead, they are used as an obstacle during an April Fool's Event. They are put on a can labelled "Cookie Drink" along with some gas or bubbles.

The most recent sighting of Energy Drink Cookie is in a "DevNow," where the company showed off what they were working on. During this Devnow, we see a bunch of scrapped cookie ideas, one of which is Energy Drink Cookie. Meaning, the devs had been thinking about adding Energy Drink, but they didn't deem them as good idea. I will probably never get to see them in another Cookie Run game, but my love for them will never die out.

My Feelings

I'm not sure where to begin with my love of Energy Drink Cookie. It first started out as me thinking that Energy Drink kinda looks like me. I think that they look quite feminine, as the appear to be wearing some sort of croptop in their sprite. I also like to think they have curly hair and braids. I am also a big fan of body horror, which Energy Drink seems to have a lot of. For example, when Energy Drink heals themselves, they turn green. Their hair also becomes spikey and both eyes become stars. The same thing happens when they are defeated, except they also explode at the end. There is also the implications of them being cured of the jellywalker virus. We see through various sprites that jellywalkers have yellow jellybean eyes and purple tinted dough, with purple jelly seaping through. Energy Drink had to go through the loss control that comes from the virus, along with the physical changes that came with it. I find zombie transformations to be very cool, so I find this very interesting to think about.

As I said before, there isn't a lot of information on Energy Drink. Not only is this true for canon, but also in fandom works. There is so little content, that a sizable precentage is just my own work. But believe me, I have plenty of thoughts on the cookie.

From the few promotional images Energy Drink Cookie(EGC) is in, they seem to be rather ruthless. They are depicted on piles of dead jellywalker bodies. In a comic, Gingerbrave calls EDC scarier than the jellywalkers themselves. But they are doing all of this for the sake of the cookie race, so I don't think they are a mean person. They are just scary. I also think that EDC isn't very sociable. They don't remember much about how to fit in normal society and stick out like a sore thumb. I imagine them to be pretty awkward, like pepperoncino. Both talk slowly, with spaces in between, in canon. I think EDC tries their best to fit in, if they were ever able to return to a normal society. They would definitely be a retired veteran type. Even though I headcannon them to be somewhat young (early to mid 20's), they act very old. Or a mix, as Los And Jellies appeared to be a modern day city.

My Analysis

My Writing

My Art